
“Consider Your Ways!”

“Consider Your Ways!”

The theme of Haggai is “consider your ways.” By this time in Israel’s history, they have returned to Jerusalem from their 70 year captivity. They were permitted to go back under Zerubbabel and Joshua’s leadership...

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Lessons from Abigail

Lessons from Abigail

Proverbs 2:11…”Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee.” Discretion is that discernment which enables a person to judge critically of what is correct and proper, united with caution (Noah Webster’s Dictionary). And when...

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A Sad Valentine's Day

A Sad Valentine’s Day

Once again, we’ve heard the tragic news about another school shooting. This time from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where as of today (2/15/18), 17 people have lost their life. We...

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The Sufficiency Of Scripture

The Sufficiency Of Scripture

Developing a Christian/Biblical Worldview “Believing the Sufficiency of Scripture” Introduction II Timothy 3:16-17 -A truly C/BW-V, begins with the conviction that God Himself has spoken in the Scriptures. -As Bible believing Christians we should...

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Humanities Dilema

Humanities Dilema

Developing a Christian/Biblical World-view “Humanities Dilemma, Sin” Text: Genesis 3:1-7 Introduction -As we continue in our study of developing a Christian/Biblical World-View we have already seen the importance of having a Christian World-View, believing...

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Developing a Christian/Biblical World-view “Understanding Reconciliation” Text: II Corinthians 5:18-21 Introduction -Why is understanding reconciliation so important to understand when discussing a CBWV? -Because most of the world has no idea that we need...

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Should Be True Spiritual Worship

Should Be True Spiritual Worship

Developing a Christian/Biblical World-View “What is true spiritual worship?” Scripture Reading: Psalm 95:6-7a Text: Isaiah 6:1-8 Introduction -Developing a Christian/Biblical World-View concerning true spiritual worship is vital. -We live in a day where almost...

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