Should Be True Spiritual Worship

by Daniel Boyce
Developing a Christian/Biblical World-View
“What is true spiritual worship?”
Scripture Reading: Psalm 95:6-7a
Text: Isaiah 6:1-8
-Developing a Christian/Biblical World-View concerning true spiritual worship is vital.
-We live in a day where almost anything goes when it comes to worship.
-Most of Evangelical Christianity is clueless when it comes to true biblical worship, the kind of worship that the Lord accepts.
-The focus has been shifted from God to self, and this is not the worship that the Lord accepts.
-Is it your desire to commune with God when you come here on Sunday?
-Do you sing with an attitude of serious worship?
-Do you release your love for God in your voice and song?
-Do you sing with your understanding, or are you thinking about what you are singing?
-Who is a true worshipper? What is true worship?
-What does this mean?
-What does it sound like?
-What does it look like?
-Sadly the Evangelical Church has been influenced by the pop-culture that dictates so much of our actions.
-Where entertainment and self-satisfying individualistic attitudes prevail, there is a misunderstanding of what worship means, who is involved, who the audience is, what the responsibilities are, and who receives the glory.
-It is not at all about me and my needs, but all about the Lord and His glory.
- What is true worship?
- Word study of worship:
- English: coming from the Old English woerth-scipe
- The ascription of reverence to someone or something of superlative worth
- Hebrew:
- Bowing down, humility and servanthood
- Greek:
- To make obeisance, do reverence, to serve, to give homage
- Text study:
- John 4:24
- Spirit: worship is for the obedient blood washed believer. It must be from the heart and empowered by God’s Holy Spirit.
- Truth: sincerity, we must be authentic and genuine. The outward matching the inward, and in accordance with His Word.
Note: Eugene Peterson “Worship is the strategy by which we interrupt our preoccupation with ourselves and attend to the presence of God.”
- The theology of worship:
- God’s holiness:
- Isaiah 6:1-4
- Developing an upward look
- Man’s sinfulness:
- Isaiah 6:5-7
- Developing an inward look
- Man’s responsibility:
- Isaiah 6:8
- Developing an outward look
- Conclusion: What worship is:
- Adoration: verses 1-4
- Confession: verse 5
- Cleansing and forgiveness: verses 6-7
- Decision: verse 8
- Enjoying worship:
- Private worship:
- Adore God
- Confess to God
- Thank God
- Supplicate God
- Must be done consistently, day by day by day
- Corporate worship: (Acts 2:42)
- Our focus must be God and God alone:
- He is the audience (we are entering into His presence)
- We should desire to meet with Him (humbly)
- We must be prepared to meet Him (heart, soul, and body)
- When you come to worship are you spiritually prepared?
- Read, confession, filled, heart and soul prepared.
- When you come to worship are you physically prepared?
- Do you love Him enough to go to bed early on Saturday night and be well rested when you get here?
- Do you love Him enough to get up early on Sunday morning so you are not rushed in your preparation, and you can get here early?
-Worship is more than an academic exercise, it flows out from a relationship with God.
-John 21:15a “Lovest thou me more than these?”
-Do you love Him more than: family, friends, popularity, position, job, sports, recreation, stuff
-How do you worship? Your way, or the way that the Lord accepts?
-Get yourself out of the way and focus on the Lord (ex. Turn your eyes upon Jesus).
-A.W. Tozer “I can safely say, on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God, that any man or woman on this earth who is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven.”
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